What It Costs
JCAS is dedicated to integrating Jewish children with physical, mental or emotional disabilities into Melbourne’s Jewish day schools.
Founded in 1882 as the Jewish Orphan and Neglected Children’s Aid Society, JCAS is one of the oldest continuous Jewish charities operating in Melbourne.
Since 1985 over 1,000 Jewish children have received assistance from JCAS - and the demand is increasing.
Without this assistance, many parents simply could not afford a Jewish education for their children. The costs of extra care these children required both in and out of school can be hugely prohibitive. JCAS, together with the Posh Opp Shoppes, is the only non-governmental source of Aide funding for Jewish children in our schools
All Jewish children deserve the same school opportunities, regardless of abilities.
Please consider making a pledge to support the important mission of JCAS. By doing so you will help make our community a better and more inclusive environment, where all children can have access to a quality Jewish education.
Your tax deductible pledge will make a real difference:
$360 - will provide for an assessment and recommendations so that a child receives an education tailored to his/her needs
$540 - will provide an assistant so that a child can attend a 2 day school camp
$1080 - will provide for a visiting teacher to help a child who has had a prolonged absence from school, often hospitalised due to a serious physical or mental illness
$3,600 - will provide for specialised equipment to support children with low vision or physical impairments
$5,000 - will provide for essential disability support training of all the inclusion assistants every year
$10,000 – will provide for a trained inclusion assistant to work with a child for 8 hours per week for the whole school year
$18,000 – will provide for a trained inclusion assistant to work with a child for 15 hours per week for the whole school year
$36,000 - will provide for the installation of a lift, assisted bathroom facilities or other major equipment to create greater access for children to the physical environment in which they study
$45,000 - will provide for a full time aide for one year
Mazel Tov

Thank you to Tal for choosing to support JCAS on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah
To support JCAS at your simcha, please enquire here
Mazel Tov